black and white  portrait of a surf instructor with no shirt against an off white background

Maestros Del Surf - A photo series of the local surf instructors in El Encuentro, Dominican Republic

black and white  portrait of a surfer smiling against an off white background

Maestros Del Surf - A photo series of the local surf instructors in El Encuentro, Dominican Republic

black and white  portrait of a young man against an off white background

Maestros Del Surf - A photo series of the local surf instructors in El Encuentro, Dominican Republic

black and white  portrait of a surfer against an off white background

Maestros Del Surf - A photo series of the local surf instructors in El Encuentro, Dominican Republic

Close up black and white  portrait of a man with water dripping down his face against an off white background

Maestros Del Surf - A photo series of the local surf instructors in El Encuentro, Dominican Republic

black and white  portrait of a surf instructor against an off white background

Maestros Del Surf - A photo series of the local surf instructors in El Encuentro, Dominican Republic

black and white  portrait of a man with no shirt against an off white background

Maestros Del Surf - A photo series of the local surf instructors in El Encuentro, Dominican Republic

black and white  portrait of a young man with no shirt against an off white background

Maestros Del Surf - A photo series of the local surf instructors in El Encuentro, Dominican Republic

black and white  portrait of a man smiling  against an off white background

Maestros Del Surf - A photo series of the local surf instructors in El Encuentro, Dominican Republic

black and white  portrait of an older man against an off white background

Maestros Del Surf - A photo series of the local surf instructors in El Encuentro, Dominican Republic

Two kids play on a balance board against a backdrop of surfboards and palm trees

Maestros Del Surf - A photo series of the local surf instructors in El Encuentro, Dominican Republic